About Compositor


Compositor is a modern tool enabling the design of furniture fronts in systems for sliding, folding and pull-apart doors.

Using the programme, we first choose the system that the door will be built with, then we choose its specification, configuration of midrails and fillings, and we end the process with a visualisation, price estimation and report.


The user is able to look through the complete Sevroll offer. The proceedings of the user are constantly monitored, and any mistakes or solutions that are not recommended are communicated to the user.  In this way, during the stage of designing of the wings, the programme can choose one or more types of midrail that can be used in the prepared configuration of the door set up. Additionally, you have the possibility of configuring the dimensions of the wardrobe front, the number of wings, angle sections, tracks and carriages as well as adding soft-closes.

The result of this is a technical report, containing a list of products necessary to build the doors, complete with additional features of each stage, such as information about trimming the profiles, sizes of panels, or number of particular accessories for a given door wing. The report and price estimation as well as the purchase order can all be printed.